We're back, baby! We've been through a fairly exhausting period in everybody's lives over the past six months or so - babies were born, jobs were changed, professional exams were taken, and casual renovation projects turned into massive legal issues, among other things.
Thankfully, we've finally gotten our shit together, and it's time to play a show!
We're super stoked to be hitting the stage with our frequent collaborators in Sonderous, along with a super cool band called Chasing Phantoms, whose throwback 80's metal vibe is sure to please.
For ourselves, we've got a couple of new songs to debut from the much larger pot of delicious ideas which have been slow-cooking over the past few months, and we're very much looking forward to stretching our legs once again.
Tickets are $10, and are now available from all of the bands as well as at Tom Lee Music in Langford, BC.
Come on out and let us abduct you for the night; we promise you will be returned unharmed (but bring some earplugs)!