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Show Wrap-Up: Logan's Pub

They got the order wrong. Sorry, Sonderous!

What can I say about this show? Going into it, I really wasn't sure what to expect - I was confident that the music would be good, and I've always enjoyed playing at Logan's, but audiences can be fickle, and Victoria isn't exactly known for people who like to venture outside after dark. What ended up happening is that this turned out to be the best show ever.

We literally had to start texting people and telling them to get their asses to the venue because we were in danger of hitting capacity. It was both crazy and awesome. Thankfully, everybody made it inside alright. I've been playing music in Victoria for many moons, but that was a first for me, and especially cool being that this was my first time taking the lead on organizing a show like this. So, in conclusion, everything I touch turns to gold, and that's that.

For the last time, Gino, I didn't fart. Okay, I farted.

In all seriousness, the success of this show was 100% the result of three bands full of great people who really did an awesome job coordinating with each other and bringing people out to get excited about music. I can't say enough about how much I appreciate everyone in both of the bands we played with that night.

Lost Octave opened the show with a bang, and their brand of energetic and thoughtful west-coasty rock & roll was the perfect thing to get the audience primed for rocking out. When we went on stage, we were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd who made us feel like a million bucks after every song, and it's the kind of thing that never gets old. Sonderous closed up like absolutely rock stars, and there is just some serious talent all around.

The biggest thing was not just how well every band sounded and played, but the fact that everybody was just so goddamned great, just as people. There is a certain kind of magic that comes from putting on a show with a bunch of people who are there to help each other do their best, and that magic was strong on this night.

Welp, that about wraps up my wrap-up. Humungous thanks to Tyrell and Cody from Sonderous and Lost Octave, respectively, for working with me to execute a beast of a show, and for being extreme gentlemen. We'll do this again, and you can take that to the bank.

And it should go without saying that we absolutely love and appreciate every person who came out to see the show and support us. It was just great, and yuge, and terrific.

Next up for Signal Static will be the recording of our very first album! We are currently figuring out all of the details, but look for something in early 2018!

Signal Static out.

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